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关于做好2022届来华留学本科毕业生相关工作的补充通知Supplementary Notice on Re-study Arrangement for Graduating International Students
作者:李燕 点击数: 时间:2022/05/04 15:44:36






1. 学生已获学分比毕业学分差10学分以内(含10学分或3门课)

2. 截至目前,学生已无任何欠费;

3. 在学期间表现良好,无重大违纪行为。





Supplementary Notice on Re-study Arrangement for Graduating International Students

May 4, 2022

All relevant colleges,

The Notice on International Undergraduate Students graduating in 2022 has been issued. The supplementary notice on relevant re-study arrangement is as follows.

After the completing of credit clearance for 2022 graduates, each college will arrange a restudy chance for the courses that students failed in fall semester (that is, courses that are not offered in this semester) on the basis of meeting the following three conditions in principle.

         1.Up to now, the failed courses are only for ten credits or within three courses or les s among the total required graduation credits or courses.

         2.The student is with no arrears, which means all payment completed up to now.

         3.The student is with satisfying performance and behavior records during studying in CTGU, which means no major disciplinary violations.


College of International communications

China Three Gorges University


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