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关于做好2022届来华留学本科毕业生相关工作的通知Notice on Graduating Issues of Undergraduate Students
作者: 点击数: 时间:2022/06/15 18:33:42




一、 毕业资格审核和毕业证书发放相关工作


二、 延长学习期限相关工作


1. 受理申请情形


2. 申请时间要求与办理流程


3. 相关要求







Notice on Graduating Issues of Undergraduate Students

June 15, 2022

Dear international students:

In order to do a good job related to 2022 International Undergraduate students, we hereby inform you of relevant work as follows.

I Work related to certificate issuance

The graduation certificates and degree certificates will be distributed to each college before July 5th. Students who have met the graduation requirements should get the certificates at each college on time.

II Work related to extension of study period

2022 undergraduate students who have not reached the maximum period of study can apply for extension of study period to continue their study:

1. Application acceptance situation

• (1) Those who failed to complete the contents stipulated in the curriculum;

• (2) Those who have completed the contents stipulated in the curriculum but have not met the graduation requirements.

2. Application time and procedures

Students who need to apply for extension of study period in 2022 spring semester can submit application. The specific procedure is as follows:

(1) Fill CTGU Application Form for International Undergraduates Extend Study Period and submit it to the teaching office of your college;

(2) The college sign opinion on the application form;

(3) All the application forms will be submitted to the teaching affairs office of College of International Communications before 17:00, July 8. Overdue will not be accepted.

3. Relevant requirements.

• (1) Students whose study period is extended will be enrolled in the next grade and will be managed by current students. Each college will arrange courses and other follow-up related work for them in the next semester.

• (2) Students whose study period is extended shall implement the curriculum of the original grade.

• (3) Students who fail to pass HSK4 can regeister for paper test or internet-based test at other test centers, after passing HSK4 you can apply for graduation.

College of International Communications

China Three Gorges University

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