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关于配合做好中国学生全员核酸检测应急演练的通知 Notice on Cooperating with the Emergency Drill of Nucleic Acid Testing for All Chinese Students
作者: 点击数: 时间:2022/03/22 14:32:05


Dear all international students:

为加强学校疫情防控工作,确保校园安全稳定,学校将于2022年3月23日(星期三)面向在校中国学生开展全员核酸检测应急演练。期间,全校取消所有线下教学科研等活动,全体学生就地在公寓内封闭管理,禁止出入公寓,禁止进出校园,人员停止流动。现将具体事宜通知如下:In order to strengthen the university's epidemic prevention and control work and ensure the safety and stability of the campus, the University will conduct an emergency drill of nucleic acid testing for all Chinese students on March 23, 2022 (Wednesday). During this period, all offline teaching and scientific research activities will be cancelled, and all students will be closed in the apartment, forbidden to enter and exit the apartment, forbidden to enter and exit the campus. The specific matters are hereby notified as follows:

一、演练时间安排Time Schedule

2022年3月23日星期三全天。预计时间为10小时左右完成。具体结束时间以学院老师通知为准。Wednesday, the whole daytime of March 23, 2022. It will be approximately 10 hours to complete. The specific end time is subject to the notice from the teachers of the college.

二、检测人员范围Scope of Testing Personnel

所有学生苑区在住中国学生。由于假期留学生群体未离校,此次不参加检测。All Chinese students living in campus are required to do the test.The international students will not take the test this time due to no traveling out of campus during the holiday.

三、具体要求Specific Requirements

1. 3月23日全天,留学生公寓将实行封闭管理,禁止人员出入。请全体校内住宿留学生居家学习,不得出入学生公寓;校外住宿留学生不得进出校园,直至演练结束。During the whole day on March 23rd, international students' apartment will be closed and no one is allowed to enter or leave. Until the drill is over, students who live in the apartment shall stay in room and students living off campus are not allowed to enter the campus

2.演练期间,全校所有餐厅、商店暂停营业,请同学们提前准备食品、饮用水等物资。学校为每位同学发放应急餐1份,请各学院辅导员老师以学院为单位,凭纸质校内住宿学生名单在今天下午6:00前往研究生公寓便利店领取发放给学生。During the drill, all restaurants and shops in campus will be closed. Please prepare food, drinking water and other materials in advance. The university will distribute one package of emergency meal to students who live ininternational students' apartment. The college international students’ coordinator will collect from the shop in PG building and distribute to each student according the list of students living on campus.

3.此次演练是模拟校园疫情发生后的常规应急演练。请全体外籍师生员工积极配合演练安排,严格遵守演练期间封闭管理,同心抗疫,共同守护校园平安。不造谣、不信谣、不传谣,对干扰演练秩序,恶意造谣、传播不实信息造成不良社会影响的,将依法追究相关责任。The drill was a routine simulation emergency drill after the outbreak of the epidemic on campus. All international students and staff are requested to actively cooperate with the drill, strictly observe the closed management during the drill, and work together to fight against the epidemic and protect the safety of the campus. Those who maliciously fabricating rumors and spreading false information and causing adverse social impact will be investigated for legal responsibility for interfering with the order of the drill.

4.请各学院及时将应急演练工作安排告知在校留学生。对于演练期间,违反封闭管理规定,不听劝阻出入的学生,学校将依法依规追究相关责任。The college shall inform international students of the emergency drill arrangement in time. During the drill, students who do not listen to the and guidance and dissuasion and violate the closure management regulations will be held responsible by the university according to laws and regulations.

5.如有特殊情况或困难,请及时联系学院辅导员处理。请各学院妥善做好封闭期间学生管理和服务工作。If you have any special circumstances or difficulties, please contact the college coordinator in time. All colleges are requested to properly manage and serve students during the closure period.


College of International Students

China Three Gorges University


March 22, 2022

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